Title:Revealed to Him
Series: Connected to the Kerr Chronicles series
Author: Jen Frederick
Release Date: November 3, 2015
Rating:3 stars
Cliffhanger: No
Handsome and tough Jake Tanner, a veteran and the owner of a successful security firm, never lets his past hold him back. Despite his prosthetic hand and foot, women swoon over him—and with him between the sheets. Yet Jake feels bored and restless…until he’s hired to protect a beautiful writer whose life is in terrible danger.
Self-imprisoned by the fear of the anonymous stalkers who threaten her life, video-game writer Natalie Beck now only dreams of the world outside her pink-bedecked apartment. Trusting people again is off-limits. But the more time Jake spends with her, the more his professional commitment evolves from simple duty to scorching desire. While deeply sensual sparks ignite between the two, the danger outside circles closer. Will Jake’s intense devotion be enough to save Natalie? Or will she turn away from the one man willing to do anything to save her?
Self-imprisoned by the fear of the anonymous stalkers who threaten her life, video-game writer Natalie Beck now only dreams of the world outside her pink-bedecked apartment. Trusting people again is off-limits. But the more time Jake spends with her, the more his professional commitment evolves from simple duty to scorching desire. While deeply sensual sparks ignite between the two, the danger outside circles closer. Will Jake’s intense devotion be enough to save Natalie? Or will she turn away from the one man willing to do anything to save her?

Jake was a great hero, he's ex-military and lost two limbs in the service. He didn't let defeat him however. He picked himself up, adjusted to living with his prostheses. I really liked the fact that not only did the author create a hero with physical limitations, but a heroine with a mental disorder. Where Jake is well adjusted, Natalie, our heroine is struggling to get through each day.
After being a victim of online bullying and threats, she had hate mail sent to her and was attacked in the subway. It left her with a severe case of agoraphobia-an anxiety disorder in which the sufferer fears leaving the house and being in public places. For Natalie, the perceived danger is all too real and she doesn't know how to get past the crippling fear that overwhelms her when she steps out her door. She even has a hard time meeting new people and allowing them in her apartment.
Her life of self-inprisonment consists mainly of writing her popular science fiction books. The only three people who exist in her world are her cousin, her editor, and her therapist. The loneliness is crushing, so when Jake enters her life, it's huge. Her cousin hires him to protect her after the past threats start up again. While I enjoyed the different way that these two got to know one another, I felt that it was very slow moving for a lot of the first half of the book. Since Natalie is so uncomfortable meeting new people, she had to talk and text with Jake over the phone and a friendship grew slowly into attraction without them even seeing one another. What really made me fall for him was the fact that he was so considerate and patient with her condition. He gave her the time and patience that she needed.
How could I not tumble head over hells in lust with him? I don't even want to stop the fall.
I liked that-a lot. But for me, it dragged on too long, and I was ready for them to move things along.
After she finally let him in her home, it seemed like Jake's feelings for her grew at an unrealistic rate. He went from like, to lust, to love pretty quickly and I wasn't feeling their connection as much as I should have.
Maybe I was lost the first time I saw her. I don't care. This was where I want to be. Where I'll always want to be.
I think the problem could have been in part due to the excessive inner dialogue. There was a massive amount of Natalie's thoughts over her fears and condition, as well as Jake in regards to his disability. As much as I appreciated the author's attention to detail and her clear time spent on researching these issues, it slowed down the pace of the story and left me feeling somewhat disconnected to the love story.
I did love the supporting characters and I'm glad I read the book. It had more insight into Jake's sister and his friend (I want that book-bad) and we even got a couple of scenes with Ian thrown in. Overall, this was a good read, not one of my favorites from this author, but worth a try if you're a fan of the Kerr Chronicles series.

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