The dramatic series finale to Courtney Cole's bestselling†Nocte†trilogy!
My name is Calla Price and I'm broken.
My pieces are all around me, floating on the wind, even as I desperately try to grasp them.
Who is dead? Alive? Insane?
What is the truth?
I donÃt know.
I do know this: The darkness is strangling me. With every breath, I choke on another lie.
My mind has protected me, but that shield will soon be lowered.
All will be revealed.
Every answer to every question.
ItÃs all been leading to this.
DonÃt be afraid.
Be terrified.
Series reading order: Nocte (#1), Verum (#2), Initium (#2.5), Lux (#3).
Get NOCTE: Amazon | iBooks | Nook | Kobo†| Audible (Add on Goodreads)
Get VERUM:†Amazon | iBooks | Nook | Kobo | Audible (Add on Goodreads)
Get INITIUM:†Amazon | iBooks | Nook | Kobo (Add on Goodreads)
Get LUX:†Amazon | iBooks | Nook | Kobo†(Add on Goodreads)
Get VERUM:†Amazon | iBooks | Nook | Kobo | Audible (Add on Goodreads)
Get INITIUM:†Amazon | iBooks | Nook | Kobo (Add on Goodreads)
Get LUX:†Amazon | iBooks | Nook | Kobo†(Add on Goodreads)
Courtney was born and raised in Kansas, home of incredibly friendly people and the most horrendous weather on the planet. Because summer days were so hot, she grew up reading stacks of books... and when she didn't like the ending, she wrote her own.
Courtney has relocated to Florida where she writes beneath palm trees. To learn more about her, please visit her website. †To sign up for her newsletter and receive exclusive sneak peeks and super-fan perks, click here.

Once again, I'm stuck here with a blinking cursor and a searching mind. How in the world do you review a series like this? The mystery and confusion that bombards you from page one of Nocte grows into a ravenous beast of desperation by the final piece of the story: Lux. At this point, followers of the Nocte Trilogy have passed desperation months ago and would probably sell a kidney just to get some answers and explanations.
This ride has been crazy, frustrating, exhilarating, and above all, one of the most unique reading experiences I have ever had. The layers to this book are so thick, your observation and deduction skills have to be sharpened to a fine point. The smallest action or word will make you ask yourself a hundred questions. Anything could be a clue, anything could have a separate meaning. And opening up this book, I was preparing for either an incredible disappointment, or a moment of awe when all of the pieces clicked into place.
I was frantically turning the pages in anticipation of finally learning the facts and explanations about Calla, Dare, and Finn. As the book wore on, I grew more and more doubtful. The repetition, the nonsensical....everything was lasting longer than I had anticipated. I loved the ominous feel of these books, the creep factor was outrageous based on the fact that you don't know what source the evil comes from.

What is real and what's a figment of the mind?

After reading the the previous book Initium, I finally felt like we were given some real clues. And my mind was running in overtime trying to come up with new theories. Surprisingly, some of my thoughts panned out. While I think that the final answers to the puzzle were monumentally creative and intriguing, admittedly, there were still things left unclear to me. (view spoiler)
In the bigger picture, what was left inconclusive wasn't as important as the bigger question. WHAT IS REAL? And that was answered...for me. If you want to look for reason around every corner and cold, hard may be disappointed. This series is about the supernatural, the fantastical, the curious. It's what we want to make of it. And what I got out of these books was a one thousand percent unique experience from anything else I've read before and I'm sure I will ever read in the future. How can I not admire the ingenuity and the effort that this author put into this extremely maddening story? It was brilliantly ominous and creative. This series is so far from what I normally read, yet I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

I was hooked on this story of the trio of young adults trying to put order back into a world that had become completely out of balance. And now, my mind can finally come to a rest after the dizzying journey I've taken with these characters. If you want something that's going to keep you invested and turning the pages, you will definitely find that here. Just keep a little tequila on hand for the stress. You're going to need it.

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