Title: Hate to Love You
Series: Standalone
Author: Tijan
Release date: August 28, 2017
Cliffhanger: No
Rating: 2 stars
Rating: 2 stars
It might sound ridiculous. I get it. It kind of is, but college was supposed to be my sanctuary. It was my place to start over. The rumors, the whispers, and the jealousy I endured through high school would all be gone.
No one would know me at college.
Rule #2: No drama.
I’d major in pre-law. I’d make a few loyal friends. Everything would be easy breezy. No one was going to use me or hurt me. I wouldn’t let them.
Rule #3: New year. New place. New me.
And all because of Shay Coleman.
Football captain and quarterback, he was the big guy on campus. The cocky guy in my political science class with a smirk. I hated him on sight . . .
. . . and he was about to break all my rules.
I came off as a bitch, but trust me. There was a reason. I’d learned it was better to start swinging first than to get hit by someone else, metaphorically speaking.
It's one thing to be a strong woman who doesn't take abuse or crap from others. Who stands up for herself and speaks her mind. But it's another thing to go on the attack when no one has any ill will toward you. Or lash out immaturely when you're unable to handle your emotions. Kennedy had shields up a mile wide and high. Not only against Shay from the moment she set eyes on him, but other girls at Dulane who she deemed weren't worth her time. She calls herself a loner, but what she's really doing is prejudging everyone who comes in contact with her, and finding them wanting.
Shay Coleman was another Parker Stanson, my ex. That angry thought chased another one— fuck Parker and fuck Shay Coleman.
As the book wears on, she gives quite a few hints that she's been burned badly by her ex boyfriend in high school and mean girls who treated her like trash. And while that's unpleasant, and I felt for her, it just never excused the way she was behaving. I was waiting for some huge revelation regarding how her ex traumatized her, and when she finally told her tale, it was confusing more than anything. All it did was reinforce my opinion that she was behaving very immaturely. The scene where (view spoiler)
Kennedy kept reiterating how much she hated Shay. How much he hated her, how she didn't even like his personality. When clearly it was a flat out lie to herself in order to keep him at a distance. I know this is touted as a enemies to lovers book, but at no point did I feel as if either genuinely hated the other or were enemies. Shay would let her hurl insults at him, brush it off, and intentionally tease her to ruffle her feathers. It was obvious he was only biding his time until he could wear down her resistance. But...why? I wasn't quite sure. Any time he tried to show her kindness, she'd lash out and talk trash about him.
He was being a fucking decent human? Fuck him. I didn’t need his kindness or his concern. I didn’t need the moments when he’d show up to mess with me, or bring me coffee and ask me to sit in his Jeep with him. Those moments might’ve messed with another girl’s head, but not me. He was another Parker. I’d just forgotten for a brief second. I wouldn’t again.
I found the amount of conflicts to be OTT. Just one of them would have been more realistic and focused. The last one in particular was vaguely foreshadowed in between the main issues. But nothing happened until the last 15-18% and we are just bombarded with no time for a realistically drawn out climax and resolution. And speaking of last minute, I didn't think that Shay and Kennedy's serious getting to know one another chat should have happened 7% before the end of the story. Kennedy was extremely insecure about their relationship, and needing reassurance about him because she didn't even feel as if she knew him. When you have to ask your boyfriend, "Who are you?" that late in the game because your interactions have centered around lust, then there's a real problem.
Now, that being said, even though I listed a lot of frustration, one thing that stood out in a positive light was undoubtedly Shay Coleman. This hero was everything you could ask for and more. Which made me a little sad that he settled for this girl who couldn't seem to treat him with the respect he deserved. I gave this a two, because unfortunately it was just okay for me. The heroine and the romance were sadly lacking for me personally. But if you're a big NA sports romance fan, this could very well work out much better than it did for me. I urge you to give it a chance if it sounds like it's a good fit for you.

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