Title: A Crack In Everything and How The Light Gets In (Cracks Duet)
Age Group: Adult
Release Date: January 30 & February 6, 2018
A Crack In Everything Goodreads
How The Light Gets In Goodreads
A Crack In Everything
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2DvxZc5
iBooks: https://apple.co/2BsghVg
Nook: http://bit.ly/2n7Od4k
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2Gd10ez
A Crack In Everything
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2DvxZc5
iBooks: https://apple.co/2BsghVg
Nook: http://bit.ly/2n7Od4k
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2Gd10ez
How The Light Gets In
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2GfvMmO
iBooks: https://apple.co/2n9grg1
Nook: http://bit.ly/2n9RWyf
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2F9klMf
Book Description:
A Crack in Everything
A Crack in Everything
I was a city girl with humble dreams. Then Dylan O’Dea broke into my flat, held me against the wall and told me to stay quiet.
It was like in the movies, where the universe zeros in on a single scene. I looked into his eyes and knew he was going to change me.
For Dylan, the sky was always falling. He showed me how our world is a contradiction of beauty and ugliness. How we choose to ignore the awful and gloss over it with the palatable. How you need just a tiny drop of something unsavoury to create every great scent.
Pretty deep for a pair of teenagers living in a block of council flats in inner city Dublin, right Probably. But we weren’t typical. We both had our obsessions. Mine was growing things, Dylan’s was scent. He taught me how to use my nose, and I introduced him to the magic of flowers.
I had no idea that one day he’d build an empire from what we started together. But before that, there was love and happiness, tragedy and epic heartbreak…
My name is Evelyn Flynn and I’m going to tell you about the crack in everything.
A Crack in Everything is Book #1 in L.H. Cosway’s Cracks duet.
How the Light Gets in
He came back to me 16 minutes and 59 seconds into Beethoven’s Symphony no. 7.
We parted amid tragedy, so it seemed poetic. Dylan O’Dea, my childhood sweetheart, had once
meant everything to me. Now we were strangers, and honestly, after eleven years I never thought
I’d see him again.
I lived in the world of the average, of getting paid by the hour and budgeting to make ends meet. But
Dylan, he lived in the world of wealth and success. He’d achieved the great things I always suspected
he would. The dissatisfaction he’d felt as a teenager had obviously been an excellent motivator.
He started a business from scratch, pioneered a brand, and created perfumes adored by women
across the globe. I was just one of the people who’d been there before. Now he was living his best
life in the after.
And me, well, I’d been in a dark place for a while. Slowly but surely, I was letting the light back in, but there was something missing. I was an unfinished sentence with an ellipsis at the end. And maybe, if I was brave enough to take the chance, Dylan could be my happy ending.
About the author:

Social Media Links:FB: www.facebook.com/LHCosway
Twitter: www.twitter.com/LHCosway
Instagram: www.instagram.com/l.h.cosway
Website: www.lhcoswayauthor.com
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lhcosway13/

Title: A Crack in Everything
Series: Cracks Duet #1
Author: L.H. Cosway
Release date: January 30, 2018
Cliffhanger: Yes
Rating: 4.5 stars

A Crack in Everything is a book that will reach inside of your chest, give your heart a squeeze, and leave you breathless. It's a fresh and original coming of age story about two teens on the cusp of adulthood. Ev and Dylan navigate through their first love together while exploring their sexuality, their hopes for the future, and a devastating tragedy. There was a feeling of dread throughout a good bit of the story, knowing that the sweet promise of what they discovered together was going to eventually lead to heartbreak and sorrow. With one unexpected event, their lives would be turned upside down and nothing would ever be the same again. After some subtle foreshadowing sprinkled throughout the book, I was anxiously flipping the pages hoping that my prediction was wrong.
Evelyn meets Dylan when he pushes his way into her apartment in a moment of desperation. Technically this wasn't their first meeting, but their first interaction. Little did she know, that he had been quietly observing her for some time, since she moved into the dreary council flats where he lived. The only thing that she knew about him was that this attractive boy who could have been popular had no interest in it, and that only made his mysterious aura and allure even stronger. There was a fire and passion in him that was a bit like watching a shooting star overhead. Bright, beautiful, and destined for unreachable places far away.
Dylan struck me as the type to hate fiercely, but also to love just as fiercely. He felt all of life’s emotions with everything he had in him, and there was a captivating sort of appeal about that.
In their corner of the world, you either accepted your lot in life, or you dreamed big, and worked harder to escape. Evelyn is the former, possessing an inner glow for life and a positive attitude despite the hardships she has already had to overcome. There's something beautiful about a young girl being so strong in mind and spirit, but at the same time there's a little bit of naivety there on her part that the ugly part of the world can't tarnish her. I loved her optimism, and her self-confidence in her own identity and purpose in the world.
Dylan's father is prone to catastrophic thinking, and has anxiety as a result of that. In other words, he automatically jumps to the worst possible outcome of any situation. When you’re raised by someone ruminating over doom and gloom, your life becomes very dark and lonely place. But as Ev and Dylan's friendship and attraction grow, her effervescence helps him to see the world through a different lens. They were so sweet around one another, but had these great introspective talks that elevated them above a simple teen romance. There was a connection and fervor that was very genuine and relatable.
I needed to make this last, so I could etch his taste into my memory, fold his smell in crepe paper and save it for a rainy day when I needed some sunshine. That’s what he tasted like—bottled sun. Golden, like the flecks in his hair.
I adored Dylan so, so much. He was such a strong, yet sensitive guy who cherished those he loved. He was extremely intelligent, and his heightened sense of smell was something I found fascinating and completely original. Unique or quirky personality traits are a staple in Cosway's books, but I really feel as if she went above and beyond with these characters. And with the air of urgency hanging over them, it made for a very fast paced read. I zipped through this first part in one night, alternating between dread and elation.
Besides one small quibble over the couple's actions that I found to be out of character, I was blissfully happy with this first installment. The minor detail didn't have a large impact over my overall enjoyment at all, in fact, the angst was everything I hoped it would be and more. If you're considering reading this, don't hesitate! I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a poignant read about young love that faces tough choices and crippling grief. The ending is unresolved of course, but it's not a suspenseful cliffhanger.
Book #2 in the Cracks Duet, How the Light Gets In releases February 6, 2018

Title: How the Light Gets In
Series: Cracks Duet #2
Author: L.H. Cosway
Release date: February 6, 2018
Cliffhanger: No
Rating: 4.5 stars
“It’s always been you. It only ever will be.”
A Crack in Everything revolved around discovery and tragedy, and in the conclusion we're given reconciliation and healing. If that one devastating event had never happened, Evelyn and Dylan were already destined to take a different path in life. He was going to take the world by storm, and she was determined to stay right where she was. It was important to her to be nothing like her mother, the woman who abandoned her when she was a child. She was never going to leave her family when she was needed. Ev always thought she had a purpose, and was happy to fulfill it, even if it wasn't the standard to what most aspired to.
It broke her to lose Dylan, and what they could have had. Completely and irrevocably. But in her eyes, there was no way to have it all together. So they both let go of what they wanted so they could have what they needed. They had a beautiful, unselfish love that was unconditional through time and distance. Anger and bitterness never replaced the affection and acceptance they had for one another and I loved that about them. They were IT for each other. Soulmates set adrift, trying to stay above water while apart.
Eleven years later, Evelyn's circumstances change and she starts a new life in New York with her aunt. Finally allowing herself to shed the grief that has blanketed her for so long, she hopes her fresh start will finally bring her happiness. She's not the same optimistic person she once was, and that inner glow she had has been snuffed out. When she unexpectedly reconnects with Dylan, they are both greatly changed, but that spark that was between them is still there waiting to be rekindled.
Dylan is now hugely successful, having used his gift of scent to create his own fragrance company. Ev had followed his career through the years, but couldn't allow herself the luxury of entering his world. Even the thought of sampling the scents he created was too painful for her to attempt. He needed to be kept at a safe distance for her to be able to bear the life she chose.
I knew that each scent would remind me of him. Dylan was the sort of person who put his entire self into every endeavour. I’d smell the top notes and see his smile, the middle notes and remember his voice. But most of all, hidden like a secret in the bottom notes, I’d feel his touch.
But now that they reconnected, Dylan was going to move heaven and earth to grasp onto their second chance. This man...he couldn't have been any more perfect. He was everything you could ask for and more. SO devoted, patient, and an overall kind human being. Even as a teen, he had a maturity beyond his years, but now that he was an adult, he was well-rounded and more confident in himself. He had set out to rise above his circumstances, and with his success, that brought a positivity to his life that he struggled with in the past. In this way, their outlook on life was reversed and he wouldn't accept that Ev had lost her zest for life that had so inspired him.
Above all, he was supportive and considerate of Evelyn's needs to rebuild their relationship slowly. He was always encouraging her, and trying to lift her confidence and self worth. I was honestly a bit frustrated how she could keep him at a distance for so long, especially after all of the amazing gestures he made for her. But to rush back into a relationship when they had both changed and grown into different people would have probably been foolish. They gradually worked their way back to each other by strengthening their friendship first, which is how they fell for each other the first time.
There were so many sweet moments, and a wonderful side story with Connor and Yvonne that I would LOVE to see fully fleshed out in its own book. I think I enjoyed the first part a bit more just because I felt that intensity of their young love and the angst of the tragedy and their separation really hit me hard. But then right at the end, L.H. Cosway hit me in the gut with a punch of the feels, and I found myself teary eyed all over again.
If you're considering reading this duet, do not hesitate! I highly recommend this to anyone and everyone.

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