Publication date: February 12, 2019
Published by: Montlake
Series: Wicked Wallflowers #3
Genre: historical romance
While Broderick built his gaming empire with ruthless cunning, his loyalty to his employees is boundless. So when he learns of Reggie’s plan to leave his side and take charge of her own future, the betrayal cuts Broderick to the core. He responds as he would to any business rival…with swift retribution.
Instead of wilting, the savvy Reggie rebounds with a fury that shocks Broderick and stirs a desire he’s been holding in reserve for only ladies of nobility. But as their seductive battle of wills ignites under the harsh spotlight of the London Season, secrets are exposed as well—ones that could be ruinous in decent society but invaluable for the heart.
Purchase your copy now!
Praise for Christi Caldwell’s The Wallflowers Series
“[A]n atmospheric and captivating romance." —Publishers Weekly on The Hellion
"The story gave me the angst and emotion I wanted and an ending that satisfied." —Red Hot Books on The Vixen
About Christi Caldwell
USA Today bestselling author Christi Caldwell blames novelist Judith McNaught for luring her into the world of historical romance. When Christi was at the University of Connecticut, she began writing her own tales of love—ones where even the most perfect heroes and heroines had imperfections. She learned to enjoy torturing her couples before they earned their well-deserved happily ever afters.The author of The Hellion in her Wicked Wallflowers series, Christi lives in Southern Connecticut, where she spends her time writing, chasing after her son, and taking care of her twin princesses-in-training.
You can find her on:

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Christi Caldwell has quickly become a new top favorite author in the historical romance genre for me. I recently binged on The Sinful Brides series and the first two in the Wicked Wallflowers back to back because once I started, I was utterly addicted. I gobbled them up like they were my last meal before a long fast.
Only Broderick Killoran could issue a threat in a silken whisper that painted it as seduction instead of ruin.
I'm going to be honest and admit that Broderick Killoran was not high on my list of characters that I was especially excited to read about. As the head of the Killoran clan and the Devil's Den, he's certainly the most powerful. He's a man who's willing to play dirty in the cutthroat streets of the Dials in order to give his siblings financial security. But his obsession with marrying off any one of his sisters to a nobleman didn't incite any warm and squishy feelings. I never really understood his laser focus on making that happen, despite his sisters' aversion to sacrificing themselves. I should have known better than to be anything less than excited for his book. Somehow Caldwell not only meets, but far exceeds my expectations. I don't know how she keeps doing it, but each couple seems to impress me more than the last.
I knew going in that this was going to be a secret unrequited love story, so I was hoping for all of the angst that goes along with it. Let me assure you, it did not disappoint. Regina "Reggie" Spark is the governess to Broderick's younger brother and sisters, and has become one of the few people he trusts in the world. Reggie has been harboring some very inconvenient feelings for her employer that she's sure he will never return. There were hints in the series that she felt something deep for him, but he never had a clue about her turmoil. She was his employee (and practically a member of the family as far as he was concerned,) so that was a line he couldn't fathom crossing.
Reggie has decided that for her own peace of mind, she must separate herself from the family and start her own business. She plans to open her own music hall which will not only give her her own independence, but it will also give the prostitutes from the Devil's Den a new life where they don't have to sell their bodies to survive. I admired Reggie's strength and tenacity from page one. She wants to make something of herself and follow her passion for music, and it took a lot of guts to make the decision to put herself first. Knowing that Broderick would see her move as a betrayal against him, she pushed on with her plans because she knew she couldn't continue to be dependent on this ruthless man. She had to make her own way in life, with or without his approval.
Ten years ago, nearly to the date, Broderick had saved her. On this day, Reggie would save herself.
When Broderick discovers her secret plans, the retribution is swift and brutal. He isn't willing to listen to her explanations or motivations, and sets a trap to keep her under his control. Thing is, Reggie isn't the type to be backed into a corner or bullied, and the sparks start flying. She was the perfect adversary for him because she knew every one of his secrets and intimidation tactics. And despite his broken trust, he can't help but admire the fire, wit, and courage she displays. Out of his admiration grows an attraction that he's determined to resist.
It was a relief to finally get inside Broderick's head so that I could understand him better. Previously he always seemed very self-absorbed and single minded in his attempts to:
1) Make money
2) Form connections to the nobility through advantageous marriages with his sisters
Leading the life he has, first with Diggory, and then making a name for himself in the unforgiving streets of the Dials, his only objective has been to give the Killorans safety. They believe that he wants to increase his own fortune and social standing, but he's worried what will become of them if his enemies ever get the better of him. His role is the protector, because he's determined to do a better job than his own weak father who led him to the underbelly of London. Even as the noose is tightening around his neck as his past catches up with him, he's resigned to the inevitable. Gertrude is his last unmarried sister, and he's dead set on giving her a season where she will meet a husband who will take care of her.
I wasn't prepared for how tragic Reggie's backstory would be. The combination of the slow burn, enemies to lovers tension, and uncovering her painful past created a serious amount of emotion that had my heart fluttering inside my chest. She was such a broken heroine, and yet she gritted her teeth and faced every obstacle with incredible bravery. There were several times in the last chapters that I got choked up and barely held myself back from crying as she healed from all of the hurt she had been hiding.
Not only did I fall head over heels for Broderick, but his spoiled brother Stephen finally brought me around to his corner. I never thought I would like him after what he did to the Black family, but he proved that he had some honor in him by the end. Stephen's father, Lord Edwin's vendetta against Broderick was at the center of all of the threads of the plot. I was on the edge of my seat as they all started to weave together and rush towards the conclusion. There is much more of the story to be told in regards to Edwin, and I'll be interested to see how the author reconciles his relationship with his son.
If you haven't read a Christi Caldwell book, you are missing out. Her writing is instantly engaging and highly addictive. The characters she creates are flawed, three dimensional people that you have to learn more about. They're like a puzzle with scattered pieces you need to study and put back together again. And that's exactly what she's done with Broderick and Reggie. Two broken people find an unexpected love together that binds them and gives them strength to overcome their pasts. I highly recommend this series, and cannot wait for Gertrude's book, The Bluestocking which is scheduled for publication in May.
A taste of her was a mere taunt. Temptation. Sin wrapped in splendor. And he wanted all of her, rules of honor be damned.

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