Title: Darkest Before Dawn
Series: A Guardian's Diary #1
Author: Amelia Hutchins
Release Date: October 14, 2014
Rating: 2 stars
Cliffhanger: Mild.
Going through an apocalyptic event doesn't mean the end of the world.
My dad is a modern day Noah, you know building an ark, trying to save folks and getting my brother, and I ready for the impending end of days – whatever that means.
Nothing in his prepper manuals had us ready for what actually happened.
I had nothing to prepare me for Jaeden and Lachlan. Heck, I don’t know of any girl that would have been prepared for those two.
There was nothing to prepare us for the things that go bump in the night or zombies, although now that I think on it, zombies might have been easier to deal with than what really happened. No, an apocalyptic event is just a set-up for things in our world to be shaken AND stirred.
What will rise from the ruins remains to be seen.

This review is very hard for me to write. As I am a big fan of Amelia Hutchins’ Fae Chronicles, It pains me that I didn’t enjoy reading Darkest Before Dawn, a book I was almost certain would be mind - blowing. I was badly mistaken! This novel was just not for me.
I anticipated something very different from what I got; not only did the plot disappointed me but the characters as well. Something very important was lacking. Frankly, most of the time, I fought the urge to DNF it and move on. But I didn’t. I decided to see where this would go.
The plot was a misfire; Honestly, everything was just boring and very slow paced. Nothing exciting happened. I love reading great UF books with vampires and shape shifters, but here everything was so stereotypical (and yes, you’ve guessed it boring) , the vamps and were where not exactly well fitted idea, they just weren’t adequate for this novel.
While reading about Emma, I couldn’t stop myself from comparing her and her journey to Syn from the Fae Chronicles, which resulted in me being even more pissed off at the main heroine, who clearly was a ‘kickass babe wannabe’. She acted all tough and strong, but in reality she was just stubborn, uptight bitch. I barely put up with her and her constant whining as well as should ‘I put out or not’ drama. I quickly had enough of this ‘being slut by losing her virginity act’; you either want to have sex and embrace it, or you stop being terrible cock tease and keep your legs crossed. I am sorry, but even sexy guy, who clearly knows his way around the bedroom is starting to be a completely off putting after a while.
How many times can a hero attempt to get the heroine in his bed without looking like a totally sex obsessed, shallow asshole?
Jaeden quickly lost respect in my eyes. I wanted Ryder to give him few lessons.
So with that, I had actually nothing to hold on to. I didn’t enjoy the plot, characters were getting on my nerves and all this sex talk, literally destroyed the experience.
I will admit, it were my high expectations mixed with desire to finally read outstanding paranormal romance novel that probably made this book quite a letdown. I wanted a lot of more from this author, so this is still a bitter pill to swallow.
I can’t say Darkest Before Dawn is worth reading, as that would be a lie, but I can highly recommend you other books by Amelia Hutchins. If you wanted to give this book a shot, but now after reading this review, you know for sure it’s not a novel for you, please do yourself a favor and if you haven’t already read Fae Chronicles. It’s totally badass, I promise!

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