Title: Ultimate Vengeance
Author: Nancy Havilland
Series: Wanted Men, #4
Publication Date: May 31, 2016
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Mafia Romance, Organized Crime
To a young Russian girl raised to respect and fear the Bratva, gaining the attention of a powerful sovietnik from a feared organization was a terrifying thing. A dangerous temptation Sacha Urusski had no hope of resisting. Predictably, Alekzander decimated her heart and left her bleeding…but with a precious reason to go on. When he prowls back into her quiet life, Sacha’s decision to run is immediate. But before she can, Alekzander offers a confession that fully absolves him of his sins. Rather than celebrate, Sacha is forced to acknowledge an alarming truth. She has now become the villain in their story. Will she survive when Alekzander discovers why?
Sixteen months ago, Alekzander Tarasov was forced to give up his chance at happiness by annihilating his relationship with his soulmate. Now, after accepting who he is and what lengths he’ll go to protect what belongs to him, he wants Sacha back. Despite the darkness hovering over his family, he’ll stop at nothing to drag his curvy angel so deep into his world of violence and uncertainty she’ll never find her way out again. With life-altering secrets and lies, disillusionment and broken faith enter a world where loyalty and trust reign. Will Alek and Sacha’s already damaged love be strong enough to survive? Or will it be a sense of duty that inexorably binds them together in the end?
Strange how Alek’s family ties did the opposite of what one would think. Rather than bring him instant respect, it brought the lack of it from some. Alek had been told outright by an associate that the coddling he’d received had prevented him from gaining the skills necessary to thrive in their world. To them, Alek hadn’t earned the right to call himself a Tarasov; he’d simply been born with the name. It had taken him a long time before he was able to ignore the question he’d sometimes see in an associate’s eyes;What’s the little prince doing here?
It wasn’t until he was in his mid-twenties that he’d gotten a handle on the insecurity. And that was only after he’d brought the subject up with his uncle. Let them underestimate you, Alek. It is a good thing they do not yet know what you’re capable of. You probably don’t even know yet. So you travel through our world in silence. Do what you must, but remember, never make a move you are not willing to best. An enemy kicks the tire of your car? You put him in his place by taking a sledgehammer to his foot. Another hears of this and repeats the insult to see how far you can be pushed. What do you do then? You bring in a small tractor with a front end loader, and you drop the bucket on his legs. Another tries his luck with you? You find yourself a wood chipper, you secure him to a plank, and you send him in up to his thighs. The trick when you’re making an example out of someone; never let them die, because with them will go your message.
Something those patronizing few weren’t aware of was that Alek’s lack of a reputation was a direct testament to the way Vasily had taught him to conducted business. One did things quietly. One didn’t boast or share, because most times if individuals weren’t directly involved in a situation, there was no need for them to learn about it after the fact.
Alek had taken that to heart, which was why he was able to keep his legitimate life separate from this one.
True threats move in silence, son. Do you know of any predators that announce their presence before they attack? Do they drag their kill around to prove to everyone how strong they are? No. You shouldn’t either.
He sipped his scalding coffee and finally asked, “Where is she?”
Maks put his cup down. “Sunnyside.”
“Yeah. I don’t know what she was thinking, but she’s in a ground floor apartment, wide open to any molester-slash-murderer who’d want to target a smokin’ babe.”
Alek’s skin tightened as he posed his next question to Anton since he’d been there last night. “She’s alone? No roommate?” It didn’t sit right that he had to ask. That he didn’t know every fucking detail of her life.
“No roommate. At your uncle’s suggestion, I had a quick look inside before she arrived. There was no evidence to suggest more than one occupant. The baby supplies were a surprise. Until now.”
Maks nodded as he put his coffee down. “Her caring for children all day—I thought that suited her. Imagine the fathers of those kids when they get a load of the hot babysitter.” He raised his voice a few octaves. “‘Honey, can you pick junior up from daycare on your way home? I won’t have time.” He lowered his voice again, pretending to be the husband. “‘Uh, fuck yeah. Try and stop me, wife.’ Twenty bucks says dad leaves work early on those days so he can linger.” He nodded knowingly, proving once more what a large dick he was. “You’re imagining that now, aren’t you?”
“Did Sydney really say yes when you asked her to marry you?” Alek muttered because he wasimagining some horny husband eye-fucking the smokin’ babysitter.
“No. She said ‘yes, please’.”
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Nancy Haviland, author of the bestselling organized crime series, WANTED MEN, writes about her alpha mobsters and their ladies from her home near Toronto, Ontario. She fights for space on her keyboard with her arrogant kitty named Talbot, and adores her Tim Horton’s coffee; as any self-respecting Canadian would. She writes contemporary romantic suspense but will happily read anything that involves two people smooching. A member of Romance Writers of America, Nancy is represented by Nalini Akolekar of Spencerhill Associates, and is published by Montlake Romance/Amazon Publishing.
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Rating: 4 stars
The Wanted Men series has a continuing plot that is so richly detailed, that it can be difficult to acclimate myself to the large group of characters and the layered plot. Though these are standalone, I really can't imagine skipping the other books in the series before reading this. I skipped the last book and it took me a large portion of the first half of this one until I refreshed my memory about all the players involved. It was slow reading for a while, but once I got past that difficulty I was glued to the pages. The action and suspense was expertly done, I was really impressed with the direction the story took. There were plenty of surprises to keep me on the edge of my seat, most especially...that ending. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I read the twist that Nancy dropped on us.
Sacha was a young woman who was raised to fear the Bratva Tarasov family. They were ruthless and wide reaching in their power. But it didn't take long for her to fall prey to one of the most influential in the family after moving to the United States after her parents' death. The Pakhan's nephew saw her, conquered her, and there was no turning back. For either of them.
Within minutes of meeting him, he'd turned her world upside down, and it had yet to right itself.
The heroine was the perfect compliant and quiet pair for his commanding and forceful presence. Until with one harsh swoop he demolishes their life together and her hopes of happiness with him. She's devastated, alone, and harboring a secret that will leave shockwaves if it's ever discovered.
Alek was not the nicest of guys at times. He was completely arrogant and ignorant to the domino effect that his choice would have. He thought he was protecting her, when in reality his actions had catastrophic consequences. He immediately regretted his deception, and his angel haunted his every waking thought.
How often had he seen her across a busy restaurant? On the street? In a passing vehicle? In his fucking dreams? Too many times to count.
Finding Sacha once again was like the answer to his prayers after 18 long months. He sets out to reveal the truth to her and finally have her back where she belonged, by his side. But he's shocked to find that Sacha is not the biddable partner she once was. She's a woman scorned and she's not afraid to shatter his dreams like he once shattered hers. He was actually fairly patient considering his personality, and his proclivity to steamroll over everyone and everything that stands in the way of what he wants. He clearly treasured her, and would do anything to atone for his mistakes.
I enjoyed Sacha despite her soft personality, she was stronger than she first appeared. She was a survivor, and she stood up to this menacing family repeatedly. She showed a lot of growth throughout the story, and Alek respected her even more for it. But the secret she holds is like a ticking time bomb. She knows it's only a matter of time before everything comes crashing down on her. Sacha struggles with forgiving the pain and suffering she had to endure. There was quite a bit of push and pull between the h/H in respect to them struggling to forgive and move on when the past is completely uncovered.
Though I enjoyed this second chance romance between Alek and Sacha, I have to say that the twisting plot involving the Bratva had me much more captivated. There was a traitor amid the brothers and he was wreaking havoc among those who trusted him. Secrets were being leaked, and family members put in danger. I really liked how this one felt a little grittier than the previous books. The darker side of the Bratva was in full force here, and it had me completely riveted. The pace of the book steadily careened to an explosive ending that left me reeling. Everything converged to one shocking, pulse-pounding revelation that left me desperate to find out what happens next.
Though there is a HEA for the two main characters, there is a major cliffy for the overall storyline of the family. I for one cannot wait to get my hands on the next book and see the tidal wave hit the Tarasovs.

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