Title: Retrace
Author: Sigal Ehrlich
Release Date: November 6, 2014
Genre: New Adult Romance
Nia Martins believes a fresh start will help her leave her traumatic past behind. Moving to a different country, she seeks to shake off her demons by doing the one thing that sets her free from her destructive thoughts – teaching dance. But change doesn't come easy, and all Nia really wants is to take the next breath without the perpetual suffocation that follows. Reeves Mitchell has looked death in the eyes so many times it’s become habitual. That is, until his best friend's life was on the line. When the one thing he feared the most turns into reality, all he can do is pick up the pieces of his loss. As Reeves tries to live with the constant thought of “what if” gnawing at the back of his mind, he persistently and steadily builds a thick wall around himself. Their solitary lives are all they have—until fate brings them together. Nia and Reeves’ new friendship helps make life, shadowed by the ghosts of their past, more bearable. But as their relationship deepens and new, suppressed feelings emerge between them, are they willing to retrace their steps back to where wounded hearts can be broken once more?Read Chapter One
Guest Post - ‘My inspiration for Retrace’
"I can’t put my finger on anything specific that inspired me to write RETRACE. It was more a blend of many things that eventually grew into a story about letting go and learning to love and accept. Some of the key elements that did inspire me though, were a few crazy, vivid dreams that eventually turned into scenes, music, a lot of music, and mainly the characters themselves. Reeves and Nia practically seized my mind to the point I couldn't concentrate on anything else and just had to pour their story out of me. The book traces their hesitant journey into deep friendship that helps them cope with traumatic pasts, and gradually leads them to discover the path to heal and accept. As Nia and Reeves’ characters developed into people I believed my readers would feel strongly about, and connect with, in tandem the story took shape into an emotional ride with touches of angst, humor, suspense and a whole lot of steam…"Excerpt
“So, for the sake of proper conduct, Miss Mitchell,” I send out my hand for a shake, “you know my name…” She observes my offered palm for a short moment, and fills it with her soft one. Bare, groomed fingernails, just the way I like. In unison our stares drop to where our palms link. Something’s happening there, something that produces energy with unworldly speed. “Miss Mitchell,” she says, prompting our stares to re-meet. Her expression a transparent tease. I nod, amusement playing on my face. “Well, we’ve crossed nudity off the list, so I guess it’s safe to say we should be okay on a first name basis…” She mirrors my glee. “It’s Nia.” Nia. I repeat her name in my head. Everything about her is just what I like, neat and natural, and absolutely gorgeous. All the good reasons for me to get the hell out of here. “It was a pleasure,” I say and send her a wicked grin. She sighs with a smile, in a “what’s done is done, I can’t take it back,” kind of shy way.”About the Author
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By teen age, Sigal already lived in three different continents where she was lucky enough to experience and visit varied places, meet unique people, which only helped fuel her overly developed imagination. Currently, Sigal calls Estonia home where she lives with her husband and three kids. Not exactly sure where they will end up next…Giveaway!

Ever since I read this author's Layers series, I have been eagerly anticipating her next release. It really didn't matter what it was about, it was already an auto-to-read. I love this author to death and she has such a fabulous writing style that I really click with. While I wasn't as enthusiastic about this one, there were some laugh out loud moments and several elements that I enjoyed. I loved the idea that the heroine was a dancer-I'm a sucker for that and it automatically grabs my interest. This also had a tortured, ex-military/ex-federal agent type and he was pretty badass. So automatically, it got points for both the MCs.
Right away, I was really feeling this couple. Their first meeting was interestingly... naked. That's right! I said naked. A double booked hotel room and the heroine exiting the shower left for a very unusual introduction.

Nia has just moved to town to start over after the death of a loved one that years later is still haunting her. She has a new job as a dance instructor and she's just settling in when she runs into Reeves who she's immediately attracted to. Reeves is broody and damaged from his own painful past however and he's not looking for a permanent relationship with anyone, even the woman that he can't stop thinking about. He's still trying to sort out his own head and being with someone else isn't in the cards for him.

They decide to stick with being friends but that doesn't quite work out as planned.

This is where the whole "friends with benefits" angle came in and because of my personal preferences, I wasn't crazy about where things were going. I've never been a fan of that plot device, but not everyone feels that way so it won't necessarily be an issue for others.
My only other complaint was that toward the end of the book, they both started behaving really immature and ridiculous. The non-communication started which led to a scene which could have easily been avoided.
Even though he wouldn't admit it, their attraction was more than simply lust. He found himself having thoughts about her at the oddest times, and he missed her when she wasn't there. His emotions were deepening as well as his territorial feelings toward her. And Nia, fought hard herself knowing that Reeves wasn't prepared to enter into anything lasting. But they have this sense of easy companionship and quick bantering between them that keeps tugging on their hearts.

One of my favorite things about the book was their "dirty scrabble" game. It was sexy and fun and they were so hot trying to top each other's dirty word. I had to chuckle every time they used scrabble as a euphemism for sex.
They both had to overcome the guilt that plagued them from the trauma of their pasts, but discovering that they had similar experiences built an even stronger bond that was unbreakable.
We are bound in this thing of ours that no one who hasn't shared loss, and found someone to hold on to, someone to love, can understand.

This couple had some moments of insanity that did frustrate me, but they had their funny and sexy moments as well. The premise of the story was good, but it was in the details where it lost me a bit. There isn't any info on a possible series past this book, but I'm thinking there's lots of potential with Reeves' friends unusual relationship they had going on. I'd be interested to see how the author brings those two secondary characters together. I'll be keeping my eyes open for that one.

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