We LOVE L.H. Cosway and can’t wait to read King of Hearts scheduled for release on July 16th. Get a sneak peek of Chapter 1 during L.H. Cosway’s Blog Hop Promo Week from June 8th – June 12th.
And make sure to enter the GIVEAWAY below for a chance to win an ARC copy of this book!
Follow along the blog hop promo week by checking out Under the Covers tomorrow or by using the following schedule:
6/8 – Back Off My Books
6/9 – Smokin’ Hot Book Blog
6/10 – Under the Covers
6/11 – Shh Moms Reading
6/12 – Totally Booked Blog
L.H. Cosway's KING OF HEARTS Blog Hop
Title: King of Hearts
Author: L.H Cosway
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 16, 2015
Welcome to the City, London’s most prestigious square mile, where finance reigns and Oliver King is a rising prince.
I used to rule the world.
There might be wolves on Wall Street, but there were crocodiles in Canary Wharf. Some of us craved money. Some of us craved power.
I liked money, and power had its advantages, but what I really wanted was to excel, to surpass the men who came before me. I never cared much for love and romance until I met Alexis.
I could feel it the very moment she walked into the interview, with her outspoken charm and vivacious personality. She cast all the others in shadow, made me laugh when life held no humour. Our friendship should have remained professional, but it wasn’t long before the lines started to blur.
You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men? Well, I never foresaw where my plans would lead, and only in my darkest hour did I finally see the light…
You can have all the money and prestige in the world and still be the poorest man alive. And love, well, I hate to use a tired old cliché, but love can be the thing that truly sets you free.
“Yeah, okay Greg, I’ll believe your trash and cash bullshit as soon as I start taking up belly dancing classes and piercing both my ears,” he chuckled cynically and I got a few goose bumps at the sound of his deep laughter. “I distinctly remember you pulling a stunt like this in ’06. All of a sudden everybody’s steering clear of The Phillips Group, and a week later you’re swanning around in a brand new BMW.”
His attention wandered to the old guy, who was giving him a reprimanding look for talking on the phone while they were supposed to be conducting an interview. Blondie mouthed a ‘what?’ at him and the old guy scowled harder. Finally, Blondie got the message and ended his phone call, sliding his mobile onto the desk and clasping his hands together. The old guy turned back to me.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alexis. My name is Daniel James, head managing director here at Johnson-Pearse,” he began and I shook his hand. “This is Eleanor Price, Mr King’s current assistant, who’ll be retiring soon and whose position we’re looking to fill.”
I shook Eleanor’s hand next. She seemed strict but nice, in a head-mistress sort of way. I could now surmise that Blondie was Mr King, and I guessed he needed someone like Eleanor to keep him in check. If I got this job, I imagined keeping up with Mr Sexy Smile would have me well on my toes. When Mr James was finally introducing me to Oliver King, senior managing director, I felt my trusty bravado kicking in. I wasn’t going to wilt and blush at his attention. No, I was going to hold my head high and be like Eleanor, tough as nails, no-nonsense.
“Mr King,” I said as his warm fingers slid against mine and we quickly shook hands. Yep, tingles galore, but I refused to acknowledge them.
“Alexis,” he replied, eyeing me closely before sitting back down. “Thanks for coming.”
I took a seat in front of the three of them and rested my hands in my lap.
“So, to begin, please tell us a little about yourself,” said Mr James.
Okay, good. They were starting off with the standard stuff. I could do this. Clearing my throat, I began my spiel. I told them about my high GCSE scores, especially in computing and maths, then moved onto my bartending experience, during which I decided to return to education and get my diploma. I told them my main reason for not going to university straight out of school was down to a lack of funds, and how I was eager to gain experience now that I had my qualification.
“You understand that most entry level staff here hold university degrees, even in our admin departments,” said Mr James. “What do you think you can bring to the role, given that you haven’t had the same level of education?”
“I think I can bring people skills,” I answered promptly. “Working in a bar might seem like it doesn’t take much, but believe me, you get good experience dealing with all kinds of conflicts. I think that education is important, yeah, but I also feel that I can bring a lot more to the role in comparison to someone who’s coming in with a degree but zero experience.”
“And what if you come up against a problem that requires technical rather than interpersonal skills, something that a university graduate would be better equipped to deal with?” Mr King put in, leaning forward, icy blue eyes on me. I felt a little warmer under my dress all of a sudden.
“Then I’ll ask you for guidance,” I replied, my attention flickering between him and Mr James. “If there’s a problem I can’t deal with on my own, I always ask someone to teach me. I’m all about expanding my learning and I hold the belief we should be continually gaining new skills.”
King leaned forward on the desk to shoot James a shit-eating grin, the grin said, ‘I like her’ and I felt a pleased little rush in my belly. James was far more difficult to read and Eleanor seemed to only be sitting in on the interview as a silent observer. I imagined she’d be giving her two cents after I left, informing the other two whether or not she thought I was fit to replace her.
“Mr King is a busy man. What if he isn’t around to provide help?” James questioned.
“Then I’ll ask someone else. This is obviously a busy place with no shortage of helping hands,” I answered, keeping my voice polite and professional.
James nodded and threw a few more questions at me, asking how I’d deal with a number of difficult scenarios. I felt like I was doing really well until we came to the end of the interview. All of a sudden, James’ distaste for me started to shine through and he clearly didn’t consider me the woman for the job. I knew it was King I’d be working for, but still, it stressed me out to think I hadn’t won James over.
“Thank you so much, Miss Clark. As I said, these jobs do normally go to university graduates, but well done for coming along. Do you have any questions for us?”
I eyed him, feeling like what he said was a little patronising. I had a whole host of questions prepared to ask, but for some reason I blurted out, “If I’m not the usual candidate, then why did you call me for an interview?”
L.H. Cosway has a BA in English Literature and Greek and Roman Civilisation, and an MA in Postcolonial Literature. She lives in Dublin city. Her inspiration to write comes from music. Her favourite things in life include writing stories, vintage clothing, dark cabaret music, food, musical comedy, and of course, books.
Six of Hearts

Hearts of Fire

And now go to our Facebook page and make sure to enter the giveaway for a chance to win an ARC copy of this book! The post is pinned to the top. Good luck :)
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