Title: Dominic
Series: Slater Brothers #1
Author: L.A Casey
Release Date: March, 2014
Rating: 0 stars; Note: DNFed.
Cliffhanger:. No

DNF 65%
I’m so in hate with this novel, there won’t be any pretty graphics to make my review sweeter.
I just couldn’t do it anymore. It was horrible brainwashing disaster that left me feeling confused and very angry. The characters were dumb, childish and very unlikeable, the plot was boring and not original at all and I simply couldn’t find Dominic and his actions amusing.Were they idiotic? Yes. Were they childish? Yep. Were they fuckin’ unaceptable? YEAH.
So, Dominic go to hell and never come back. Don’t even try to crawl out of the rock you hide yourself. I HATED HIM (if you haven’t noticed already). Cause telling someone she has a Fat Ass, in my book, is not a compliment and bullying/calling names/forcing someone to do something is not a foreplay. He didn’t even consider it a BAD THING. DOMINIC WAS HORRIBLE human being! Period.
And Bronagh? Who the fuck could like this stupid heroine? She was so dumb and naïve and out of her goddammed mind I wanted to struggle her. YGH! Even thinking about her makes me want to hurl. She wanted to be all tough and badass she looked like an idiot most of the time.
And what’s more, the entire plot was not only idiotic but utterly unbelievable. There were so many scenes that made what to throw my ereader across the room, I was stunned when I realized that my baby won’t survive me finishing this novel. So for sake of my sanity and my beloved ereader, I’m singing off this shit. NEVER AGAIN WILL I TOUCH THIS SERIES.

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