Dancing in pop superstar Beckham Woods’ entourage was the last thing Roxie wanted. Her life with little Leo was blissfully ordinary; she didn’t have time for the drama that stirring up old memories would surely cause.
But when Roxie took a spot on an international tour with Woods and rock icon Ian Sterling, the lure of financial security and her passion for dance pulled her into an emotional storm that threatened to spin out of control and hurt the ones she loved most.
Just as she began to adjust to her new life, it became apparent that danger was in the shadows, waiting for a chance to move...
***Fade to Red is a standalone novel featuring characters from True Love Story.***
Willow Aster loves nothing more than writing the day away--anywhere will do. Her ideal place to write would be a remote treehouse somewhere, but not just any treehouse. It would need to be more like a fabulous cottage inside and free of bugs. Oh!--and a refrigerator full of Coca-cola, Orangina, and cheese. www.willowaster.com
Author of True L̶o̶v̶e̶ Story (USA Today Bestseller), In the Fields, Maybe Maby and the upcoming Fade to Red.
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It's been a couple of years since I've read anything from Willow Aster. I remember checking out True Love Story a couple of years ago and really loving it. I completely fell for Willow's writing style, it's very eloquent and provoking. This time around, I discovered that Fade to Red is told in third person POV. Which for many isn't an issue. But for me personally, I've gotten used to reading first person exclusively and anytime I switch over, It doesn't feel like a natural transition to me. What really surprised me was that despite my preferences, I was still able to immerse myself right into the story without much difficulty.
This rockstar book is a great example of why I continue to read in this sub-genre. Reading about the music scene is a weakness of mine, and such a wonderful escape into that star studded world. Fade to Red had me invested-with the love story, the uncertainty that plagued their happy ending, and the foreboding I felt. Everything was presented on the glittering backdrop of a music tour with all the sights and sounds that entails.

When Roxie get the job as a dancer on Beckham's tour, she's shocked. As talented as she is, she's never been one to have the best of luck. And though she's excited, she's equally reluctant. From the beginning, we know that Roxie and Beckham have a past, one that she would rather forget. Being around him isn't going to make things easy, but she hopes she can fade into the background and avoid confrontation. What she doesn't know is that this plan is doomed. From the minute he sets eyes on her at auditions, he's drawn to her. Not only is she gorgeous, but seeing her dance left him a little awestruck. He has no clue that not only has he met her before, but he left a mark on her emotionally that never healed.

Beckham is a recovering addict. In the past few years, he's gone through a personal transformation. From a drug and alcohol addicted, selfish manwhore to a man who treats himself and others with respect. He's totally clean, and completely baffled by Roxie's antagonistic and even angry attitude towards him. The harder he tries to dig into what's causing her behavior, the faster she pushes away. I absolutely loved this part of the book. The first half we get a lot of angst and desperation on both their parts. The emotional and physical pull they had going on between them was so delicious.

I was really rooting for Beckham to break through to her. And the unanswered questions about how he hurt her in the past kept me glued to the pages. This author's writing had such moments of beauty that was pure pleasure to read. Some of the scenes between the H/h were so exquisite, I could actually feel the ache and the anticipation and craving right along with them.
He put his hands on either side of her face and kissed her. Soft and gentle, but completely turning her world upside down. Her heart like dandelion dust flying toward the sun.
Gradually we learn what occurred years ago, and the author starts to integrate the suspense aspect into the book. Not only do they have to overcome the hurt and pain the was carelessly caused between them, they have another huge conflict on their hands. There's someone sinister watching and waiting. Biding their time.

One thing that I found to be a special treat was the fact that we got more time with Sparrow and Ian from True Love Story. They played a huge part in this book. After joining the tour, they quickly bonded with Roxy, Beckham, and the whole entourage. The group became one big family and I enjoyed seeing that close friendship grow between them. That being said, as much as I loved the fact that we got more time with this sweet couple, I couldn't help but feel as if they were given too much time in the book. We alternated between Roxy and Beck back to Sparrow and Ian so many times it almost felt as if it was equally their book. And for me, it felt like the main couple was losing their spotlight.
Another issue I had with the book was the incident with Beckham in the last half of the book. This may be a turn off for some readers. It was left unresolved in my eyes. I wanted to see attention drawn to what occurred and have everything aired out and it never happened.
Overall, even though I didn't end up loving it as I did in the first half, there was a lot about it that impressed me. Willow Aster is an author that knows how to draw every emotion out of me and leave me completely wrung out. She writes from the heart and it shows in her stirring stories and memorable characters.

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