The ultimate pleasure lies in sweet surrender . . .
Brash. Brilliant. Devastatingly handsome. Billionaire playboy Rafe Contini can have any woman he wants-no strings, no commitments, no promises. But when American graduate student Nicole Parrish crashes his private party in Monte Carlo, he wants more than a casual one-night stand. He wants to possess this beautiful stranger-body, mind, and soul.
Nicole isn't interested in being possessed by any man-especially one as powerful as Rafe. But with a seductive smile and enigmatic charm, he lures her into his private world of erotic discovery and pushes her to the brink of ecstasy. In the summer days-and nights-that follow, they explore every forbidden fantasy, every willful desire, every wild, dizzying sensation. And come dangerously close to crossing the line-between love and lust, pleasure and pain, power and possession…
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I've been looking forward to meeting Rafe ever since the glimpse we had in the Epilogue of Knight Takes Queen. Considering the situation he and Nicole had found themselves in, I was interested to see how C.C. Gibbs could transform a character that seemed villainous into anything other than that.
Rafe and Nicole's introduction is definitely an interesting one, she stumbles across him during one of his infamous parties aboard his mega yacht. The hospitable host he is, he invites her to stay for a drink; not shy in coming forwards Nicole accepts. The attraction is instant, the lust palpable and as you do; they embark on an agreed two week affair.

The build up to their first encounter was great, I enjoyed the teasing relationship they had. In many respects they are both out of their comfort zones but when push comes to shove, they aren't willing to walk away. The best way for me to describe them would be fiery. It doesn't take much to ignite a heated conversation, embrace or tryst.

There isn't anything typical about these two. Rafe is synonymous with power, wealth, success and instant gratification. He has all things readily available to him and the means to acquire them. Nicole is accustomed to wealth, her uncle is none other than Dominic Knight. She is neither enamoured or intimated by Rafe's power, something that takes him some getting used to.
He’d spent a good many years chasing new sensations and no one had ever provoked this sort of reaction in him. No one but this beautiful, smiling woman.

My only complaint would be I found Nicole too defensive and unnecessarily argumentative. Cause for her behaviour is hinted to and it seems she may have a history of biting off more than she can chew.
"Nicole likes to take chances. Sometimes they backfire—nothing big ever, but well… occasionally things have gotten dicey.”
To be honest, that's the girl I'm looking forward to getting to know, although it's a position she wouldn't like to find herself in; I'd like to see her more vulnerable. With outside influences causing disruption to their lust-filled bubble, it might be a situation she finds herself in sooner rather than later.
Rafe and Nicole’s tempestuous affair continues in the second book in the Reckless series, Seduction and Surrender, on sale December 1, 2015! Pre-order your digital copy today:
“Where are you staying?”
“At my uncle’s apartment.”
“Come to my place.” He folded his hands on the table, leaned forward a little, his gaze focused, her appeal powerful as a riptide, ignoring the fact that what he was about to say was messing with his head. “I’ll kick out everyone else.”
“Everyone else? Meaning?” She didn’t lack confidence, and he was notorious for his casual sexual encounters.
For some reason he didn’t mind her impertinence. “Only male friends. I never allow women to stay with me.” He smiled. “Until now. So how about it?”
“Sure, I’d like that.” And suddenly the summer takes an interesting turn. So far the boys of summer had been only mildly interesting. “But not for long.” She wrinkled her nose. “I have to go back to school in a couple of weeks.”
Rafe suddenly went still; her little nose twitch reminded him of a child. “Just for the record,” he murmured, “how old are you?” People graduated college at any age; he had at nineteen.
“Worried?” Nicole flashed him a grin. “How much does it matter?”
He scowled. “It matters.”
“Or you’re gone.”
“Now neither of us wants that,” she said, amusement in the blue of her eyes. “Do we?”
He didn’t move a muscle, even his breathing quieted. “Don’t,” he said, very softly. “No games.”
Nicole’s voice was lush with provocation. “Really? I’ve heard you like games.”
“You heard wrong.” He held her gaze for a moment, then sighed. “Tell me your age or get the fuck out.” Hand of fate or not, he didn’t do stupid.
“Twenty-two.” Her brows rose in perfect arcs.
“So, are we seeing blue skies and rainbows once again?” Honeyed sarcasm dripped from each word. “Or do I find someone else at this party to entertain me?”
Rafe’s smile slowly unfurled and his eyes took on a predatory glow. “You could try, I suppose. But you wouldn’t get out the door.”
“Oh dear, oh my, I do declare,” she lamented in playful parody. “Am I your captive?”
“You are.” Smoothly rising from his chair, he strode toward the door. “Now I’m going to lock the door, then fuck you till morning.”
“And then what?”
Whoa. The unmistakable note of demand in her voice brought him to a stop. He turned. “I’m sorry, did you say something?”
She met his insolent gaze and smiled. “I said—and then what?… As in afterward.”
Audacious or foolhardy? Fascinating certainly. He winked. “Afterward, you can tell me your name. How’s that?”
She winked back. “I’ll think about it.”
He went very still. “Is this a contest?”
“I hope not,” she murmured, gazing at him from under her long, dark lashes. “I hope I get what I want.”
“Which is?”
“Do you need a list?”
“Do you know what you’re doing?” Unsure whether it was anger or lust igniting his senses, his voice took on a raspy edge and his golden gaze turned cold.
“I can’t answer that definitively, but right now it looks like your dick knows what it’s doing,” she noted, with a languid lift of her hand.
He looked at her for a moment. A woman had never taunted him before and he wanted to pick her up and shove his dick so far up her pussy he’d need a road map to get out.
“Don’t,” she said, very, very softly. “This could be really good… mind-blowing in fact. You have to know that.”
“Fuck you,” he whispered, shifting his stance enough to ease the pressure on his erection.
“Anytime… Just not that way, okay?”
He dragged in a ragged breath. “Don’t tell me what to do.”
She held his gaze, unflinching. “Nor you me.”
A smile slowly overcame his discontent as he held her contentious stare. “Why don’t we see?” he said very gently. “You might like it after all.” Then he reached back, turned the key in the lock, slid it into his pocket, and moved toward her.”
C.C. Gibbs is the pen name of New York Times bestselling author Susan Johnson. She divides her time between the Midwest and Northern California, and considers the life of a writer the best of all possible worlds. Bringing characters to life allows her imagination full rein and researching books is great fun!
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