Title: Twisted (Blood & Roses, #5)Series: YesAuthor: Callie HartRelease Date: 19th August, 2014Rating: 5 'Got me Twisted’ Stars
Sloane How many times can a person fall down and still get back up? How many times can things go wrong before you just give up? I’ve lost everything. My home, my job, my purpose in life—everything has been turned upside down. But while life hasn’t exactly turned out the way I would have liked it to, I wouldn’t change a thing. If things were different, I wouldn’t have Lacey. I wouldn’t have Michael. But most importantly, I wouldn’t have him. I’ve realized what I feel. He knew it before I did. Only one question remains: Is he capable of feeling the same way? Zeth Secrets are a prison, and I have been behind bars for years. Sloane Romera has been turning keys in all of my locks, throwing light on corners of my mind that I thought would forever be shrouded in darkness. Or at least I had hoped would be. I have done so many wrongs in this life, and yet this woman has forgiven me. She’s done something I never thought possible—she has learned to understand me, and she hasn’t run. She’s amazed me. She’s saved me. She’s fallen in love with me. If it’s within my power, I’m about to do the same for her.

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Callie Hart and the Blood & Roses series; I’m not sure I could tell you why in particular... Well no actually I can. It’s the writing; it’s the characters, it’s the plot; the main story and the equally as interesting sub plots that also draw you in. It’s the pace, the action and the all important romance that make this series a winner for me.

In this edition the title could not be more fitting, in some ways things have never been clearer with some truths that have been acknowledged but in the same breath things also turn for the worst. I found some of the truths hard to swallow and my understanding of events muddied.
"When I'm with you I'm not the scared girl I used to be. You challenge me every single day. I don't want to give that up. I don't ever want to give you up."
Twisted is: Sloane’s life as she had once known it; the mundane normality, the straight path she had once saw herself on and the increasingly slim chance of ever going back.
Twisted is: Zeth’s previous (somewhat) uncomplicated life, his lack of consequence in his actions and giving in to his bases urges.
Twisted is: Lacey’s marred innocence, her fear of being alone and unloved.
I acknowledge I’m being deliberately vague, as incredibly lucky and excited as I am to have received an Advanced Reader Copy I also don’t want to ruin its impact for others; and as hard as it is to restrain my inner Fangirl, and worship at the alter of Zeth, I will. It’s genuinely a good story I’d recommend to Deviant Diva’s and Newbies alike.

From the first book I’ve had questions, which have now answered and the declarations I’ve been desperate for, made. I’m ecstatic and shocked at the same time. Some scenes were pure elation and others heart-wrenching and if anything it’s testament to the intricate story Callie has woven. I think I said in my last review that ‘Fallen’ was the best part yet but I’m going to have to renege on that statement and say emotionally at least ‘Twisted’ takes its place.
The story in no way ends here, if anything it’s even more interesting and the nervous wreck in me is anxious. I remember thinking once that 6/7 parts to the story may be a bit much but, it’s not even close to being enough. I can’t even begin to think about the wait for the next instalment.

~Copy provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you~

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