Whisper To Me
Between Breaths #3
By: Christina Lee
Release Date: May 20, 2014
Publisher: Penguin Group
Between Breaths Series:

Between the Breaths is one of those New Adult series I look forward to. I loved Bennett and Avery story and liked Ella and Quinn’s, so I waited impatiently for the next part, especially because I needed to get to know Rachel, Avery and Ella’s friend, more. I’m so glad the author didn’t disappoint and delivered something so sexy, lovely and intense.

Rachel is very complex heroine. In previous books, Christina Lee pictured her as a little bit shallow, even slutty girl. Careful reader though could see that it didn’t even begin to scratch the surface of her personality. She was so much more than a ‘party girl’. In Whisper To Me we can finally see the real her. And it was shocking to see how strong she was and how much she had to carry on her shoulders.
The horrible accident that changed her life few years ago still bugs Rachel even though she survived and went away to college. After her high school sweetheart broke her heart and soul and ditched her when she needed him the most, Rachel changed. She decided to not let other people in and become entirely someone else.
When summer break finally started, Rachel came back to her hometown to help her mother with her business. That’s when she reconnects with Kai, the only person in the world that knows the real her. The boy who was her best friend, the one who took care of her and… fell for her, hard.

Rachel doesn’t know that this badass, pierced and tattooed musician is in love with her for about four years. Kai never made a move or showed her how he really feels. But know, he sees Rachel for the first time in years, so he wants to let go of his fear and give her his heart.
What starts as casual summer fling quickly alternates into something way much complicated.
The chemistry between Kai and Rachel was off the charts. It was incredibly erotic when the two of them started to get on it. They were also adorable couple. Simply one of my favorite for sure! They not only shared a past, but they built they future together.

What’s was the best value in this novel was characters’ creation. Christina Lee made fantastic job in making Rachel likeable, yet broken and the hero… complete swoon!
Kai was so fab! He just stole the show. Lately, I’ve been a little bit over bad boys/manwhores/musicians, but Kai was so realistic, so authentic, so beautiful and gentle and… *swoon* Best hero ever! Not only did my heart broke for him, I also found him the sexiest boy ever (yes, even sexier than Bennett!) and him being a dirty talker? O my god, it was so sexy! The book was really hot! On my steam – o – meter Kai got 10/10! Need I say more to coax you into reading it?

Overall, Whisper To Me is incredibly sensual, sexy and beautiful New Adult read. It's absolutely my favorite novel by Christina Lee and made me want to devour her next books even more.
*Review Copy, provided by Publisher via Netgalley, in exchange for honest review*

Mother, wife, reader, dreamer. Christina lives in the Midwest with her husband and son--her two favorite guys. She's addicted to lip gloss, salted caramel everything, and believes in true love and kissing, so writing romance novels has become a dream job.

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